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I don’t know anyone that doesn’t want a better life.  We accept the fact that a person who isn’t striving to do better will fail.  Did you know that the #1 first and foremost clue for success is to learn from your mistakes?  If you don’t learn from those mistakes you will repeat them.  Maybe not in the same form or with the same circumstances – but the motives behind your decision making process will repeat.

Growing up with technology (TV, movies, computers, etc…) has pushed our brains to “speed” through a multitude of images, facts and sensations.  We see them but our bouncing from one to another has caused us to drop individual facts in favor of the overall picture.  Studies have shown that people watching a picture within a picture on their TV can see both events.  Seeing all the specific details is a little harder but they can pay attention to two things at once.

In some situations that is good.  Seeing the larger picture can help us forgive the little mistakes within the big picture.  Unfortunately that is detrimental to our success and our goal to have a better life.  We need to see the details so we can fix any part of our life that may be sabotaging our success.

It is important when you fail or make a mistake that you remember what caused that problem so it won’t be repeated.  If you have trouble remembering specific facts – get a very small notebook.  Any time you have problems in any area of your life, write down what you think you could have done to change the outcome.  Don’t beat yourself up – but it is imperative that you are honest about your own actions.  Review your notebook often.  Even if you feel you’ve conquered your problems, go over them and remind yourself of how you have changed.

When you learn from your mistakes you will keep your life moving forward and your success will be inevitable.

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