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Just Sayin’

Honest, out-of-the-box, creative thinking questions….are the only path to the truth.

There are a lot of lies floating around that confuse the “abortion” issue.

For example, Those who feel abortion should be the law of the land, like to moan about the lives that will be lost if “abortion” is not available.

The Truth is that “abortion” has always been available when doctors are sure the mother’s life is in danger.  One of the best Christian women I ever knew had an abortion during the 1950’s when abortion was an evil word.  Her pregnancy was in trouble.  The baby wouldn’t survive a forced birth and the complications would kill the mother.  After a lot of crying and looking for alternatives, it was decided that because of the three children a home who needed their mom, abortion was the only answer.

Even today doctors are quick to take a baby when it endangers the life of the mother.

The problem for Pro-life members is that we are now in a time when abortion is used as a form of birth control.  Almost all Pro-life members believe the doctor should have the right to decide if a weak or sick baby will take the life of the mother.

So what’s the problem?

Let’s see what we can find out about       ABORTION

Let me first assure the precious young lady that chooses abortion,  I am praying for you.  I pray for all Americans, and that includes non-Christians and those that don’t share my views.  I don’t want to hurt anyone and would never attack anyone who has had an abortion.  Instead, if allowed –  I’ll wrap my arms around you, be kind about your situation and ask if we can pray together.  

However, I also believe that every baby is precious and that before we take that innocent life, we better have all the facts.  Unfortunately, as we discuss the “why’s” we have to use descriptive words to explain the problem.  If you listen and then can say with absolute truth – “that is not me” – great.  You are not the problem.  Nuff said.  But, if our explanation of the “need” for abortion does resonate with you, perhaps you may want to re-evaluate your stand.  

I don’t believe that abortion is necessary if you include the reason women become pregnant.  Abortionists stand on the premise that the only way to “choose” your desire to have a baby or not depends on the availability of abortion.  But that premise simply isn’t true.  The right of women to choose what happens with their body begins with an understanding of how the baby began and the great desire to “prevent” the pregnancy so no innocent child will die.  No one seems to be talking about that issue.  However, since I wrote this article, I’ve found a lot of people (including news contributors) who see the issue as I do.  

Let’s look at the facts.  Did you know that a woman can have unlimited abortions?  Doctors recommend just 3-4, but if the patient insists, they will do as many as she wants.  Unfortunately, the more abortions she has, the weaker her own body.  And when she does decide it’s time to have a baby, her organs may be too weak to provide a healthy baby.  

When a woman has more than one abortion, can we say that she is using abortion as a method of birth control?  Can we admit at that point that she is murdering innocent little babies?  Are there other options? 

I also found out that Abortion was passed in 1973, but the birth control pill had been on the market since 1960.  Why did we need blanket abortions?  Doctors have always been able to abort a baby if it endangered the mother.  I have a relative that didn’t want an abortion but had one in 1954 because she would have died otherwise.  

The truth is that Abortion was passed so women could experiment with sex and if a pregnancy happened, she could avoid a dangerous back ally abortion.  Yet even then, the pill was already available to prevent pregnancies, it just wasn’t as accepted as it is today.  Why didn’t women use the pill before abortion was passed?  Some may not have trusted it. And for some it was an admission that they refused to wait for marriage.   

In the early 1900s women were expected to be a virgin when they married.  Unfortunately, when it became popular to avoid waiting for marriage – women became pregnant.  Most people would have looked down on that woman.  Having a baby in that situation may have prevented her from public acceptance and might have been a stigma for the child from then on.  So, instead of parents, churches, and schools promoting abstinence, they approved abortions.  They decided to accept the out-of-wedlock sin and chose the death of an innocent child instead.   Hum…

Birth control pills were available for research in 1950 and approved by the FDA in 1960.  Condoms were first used in 1564 but were not improved and used by the public until 1865 when Charles Goodyear invented a less cumbersome product.  They were uncomfortable but available.  The invention of latex in the 1920s revolutionized the condom industry by enabling them to be mass-produced. The first lubricated condom was produced in 1957.

We now have over 16 ways to prevent pregnancy.  Remember, when you prevent pregnancy – you won’t need an abortion.  Most of those 16 ways are easily available, and some can be purchased online with no prescription needed.  You can get some forms of birth control in local vending machines.  You won’t need an abortion if your only goal is to prevent pregnancy and you think ahead!  That sounds logical to me.

In the intense debate about abortion, one key fact is left out of the discussion.  ”How did the baby get there in the first place?”  If women are going to scream, “My body, My choice” – wouldn’t you think that would apply to the act that produces the baby?   If we can prevent the baby from being formed, there is no need for a brutal abortion.  Yet, most people avoid this issue.  Instead, they begin the conversation “after” the baby is present – not before.

So, what causes a baby that needs to be eliminated?

Seems like a ridiculous question, but I have to ask.  Do promiscuous men and women understand the actual cause of pregnancy?  Perhaps some young people are so self-absorbed in their own desires that they can’t take ten minutes to investigate their position.

Spoiler Alert – there would be no reason to pursue abortion if you respect your own body enough to stop sleeping around!  Why is this a neglected topic?  It’s really very simple.

For me…if a young lady cares about her body and her life, why wouldn’t she protect her future by choosing a dating experience based on respect rather than on the raw emotions of sex before marriage? It doesn’t make sense to me that a young lady will scream and carry signs that say, “MY BODY – MY CHOICE” – which suggests that she is concerned about the quality of her health and body.  Yet, she is willing to give that same body to a casual acquaintance.  Waiting for a good marriage is protection against having a baby before you are ready – but it s also a matter of “RESPECT” for your own body and your future.

I understand that Hollywood has promoted a decades-long assault against abstinence and that may be the biggest reason for abortion.  Yet, individuals need to revisit their beliefs on this issue before placing all the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy on an innocent little baby.

Let me get silly here.  Let’s assume the young women who are so upset, haven’t thought about it or simply don’t know what causes pregnancy.  I am sure they are smart about other issues.  Maybe they just haven’t thought about this issue.  

TRUTH:  A baby is made when a man’s sperm unites with a woman’s egg.  This process takes place through the act of sex or at times can be done by a doctor in a medical procedure.  You can’t get pregnant walking down the street.  If you pass a man on the sidewalk, his sperm is not going to jump out of his pants and rush toward your vagina!  You can’t get pregnant having dinner with a man friend.  His sperm will not jump on the table and rush toward your side of the table and make a run toward your uterus!  If you are at a friend’s party and you sit on the couch with a male friend, you will not become pregnant.  

This sounds silly, but maybe some people haven’t thought about it.  Unfortunately, the fact remains – you can only become pregnant when “YOU” make the decision to have unprotected sex.  (Rape and incest is a whole different topic.)  When you decide to be promiscuous you are in danger of getting pregnant.  When you allow a man to disrespect you and refuse to use some type of protection – that too is your decision.  In this social media world, it has been proven that the younger generation is starving for personal contact and meaningful relationships.  This causes them to reach out to others physically, hoping that it will fill their need to be touched.  Unfortunately, most of the time it doesn’t.  A relationship built on sex only will not survive and will hurt those involved.  The consequences also can produce a baby.

To scream “My body, My choice” is nonsense unless you honestly take responsibility for the decisions you made that caused the life you created.  “My body, My choice” sounds ridiculous when everyone knows you “could” have prevented the problem.  It hurts their argument when prominent people say they are proud that they murdered their baby.  It’s like the young lady that stood on a car during a protest screaming the words of her sign, “Please come get me pregnant – I want to kill a baby.”  Because that young lady has been driven to complete aggressive anger, she is willing to allow a doctor to cut off a baby’s arms and legs and/or drive a mental probe into the head to suck out its brains.  If that happened just a few months after that child’s birth we would consider it a heinous crime.  But because it can be done in a mother’s womb, the public looks the other way.

Abortion should be available to Rape victims, incest victims, or when the life of the mother is at stake.  But again, that isn’t the largest percentage of yearly abortions.  According to one article, the actual abortions performed on victims of rape, incest, and when the mother’s life is in danger is close to 0.5% of the total yearly abortions performed.  Even with rape and incest, if you go to the police or to a hospital you can get help to stop the pregnancy immediately while it is only a few cells. 

It’s hard for most people to be told to respect your right to choose and to respect your body when you seem to be ok with disrespecting your body on a regular basis.  If you have made your vagina grand central station with a regular stop at the murder station – please understand that most people will not agree that is responsible activity.  If you choose to be promiscuous, some may look the other way.  Yet. most people, 68% of the population believe you should take responsibility for your actions.    

What about women who do use proper birth control and still become pregnant?  Again, we all have to face responsibilities that are “forced” on us.  Why is it ok to kill a little tiny baby just because you aren’t sure you can finish school and have the baby?  That’s like saying if a car accident causes you to lose a leg;  you have the right to kill the person who caused the accident.  While you may have the right to sue them, finishing your degree depends on your determination – not on the circumstances that were thrust upon you.

Anytime we refuse to take responsibility for personal decisions, we hurt people.  When a person drives drunk and has a head-on collision, it’s ludicrous to say that the victims deserved to die.  When an abuser beats his wife to death, it’s crazy to say that the wife deserved it – no matter what she did!  We all are responsible for our actions.  If I cause a problem, I am responsible.  I need to own it and fix it.  And when it is not fixable – I also need to own that.   No child deserves a brutal murder just because their mom didn’t take precautions.  It is wrong to put all of the responsibility for a chosen lifestyle on an innocent little baby who didn’t have a say in the decision-making process.  If you made that decision yourself, that tiny baby didn’t ask to be in your belly – you forced it to be there. You caused its existence. Yet, you believe you have the right to commit murder – just because.  

I’m sorry, but the protestors of the new Supreme Court ruling, seem to be lacking the facts.  They simply can’t support their demands.  Instead they want to whine and cry about using a few dollars for condoms, birth control pills, or even being able to go online or find social programs that offer birth control for free.  Instead they hold protest rallies promoting their right to murder innocent little babies.  They have been indoctrinated  to believe it’s not a baby.  They are lying to themselves and to us.   Why?

Most people who feel the need to have many sexual encounters usually do not have healthy self-esteem.  Is there something wrong in their life that causes them to seek physical attention no matter what the circumstances?  Are they looking for “true” love in all the wrong places?  They are blinded by their own needs and desires.  They think casual sex will give them the love and self-esteem they crave but instead it just pushes them to kill babies.  The murder of innocent babies must be stopped.  

Why are parents creating children who can’t respect their own bodies? Parents should be teaching their children how to navigate the dating world without making choices that cause problems.  Parents need to teach children about proper relationships and how to give and receive real love.

Why do we allow Hollywood to promote the idea that something is wrong with children who are not sexualized?  I suspect it may be a backroom plan to promote sexuality in order to create acceptance for young people to abuse.  It’s a common rule that what you spend most of your time promoting – defines “your own” life.  Are you paying attention to all the Hollywood moguls who wrap their meaningless lives in sex?  Impressionable teens often allow Hollywood to instill a feeling that something is wrong if you don’t experience a lot of premarital sex.  Many of these Hollywood moguls have been proven to be creepy old sex offenders.  Why do we allow our teens to be trained and influenced by Hollywood standards?  

It’s difficult to find movies or shows where the main character doesn’t participate in multiple sexual encounters.  It’s time for parents to insist that their children are trained on the “facts” about real love and how to have meaningful relationships.  It’s time to stop insisting that sex is necessary and should start as soon as possible.  We need to give our children a safe and happy teen life without the complications of powerful sex that they probably don’t have the ability to navigate.  

Women’s lib is also part of the lie?  It doesn’t make sense to tell women that they have the power to become all they can be, yet assume they are not smart enough to “prevent” pregnancy.  If a woman can be smart enough to be a CEO, why can’t she also be smart enough to use a contraceptive?  Many of those powerful, business-smart women will use abortion rather than protection.  Why?  They are certainly capable of obtaining and using other protections.  Surely it isn’t because they can’t remember how to prevent pregnancy and therefore feel that abortion is their only hope.  Surely not.  

Why do women who can no longer bear children want to fight for the right to murder babies?  Why don’t they look young people in the eye and say, “Hey, I made that mistake once, and it’s not necessary.  Think before you act on your emotions, and it will save you a lot of headaches.”  Instead, they give millions to abortion rights rather than millions to free contraceptives for young women.  That doesn’t make sense.  Is it that they just want to see more babies murdered?

Why don’t churches preach against this irresponsible behavior?  Don’t pastors know the scriptures about being pure and living a righteous life?  Don’t they know that God is the author of life?  Don’t they believe in the 6th Commandment – “Thou Shalt Not Murder”?  What does a pastor think God is going to say on judgment day when a woman who has had several abortions faces God?  Will God say, “Good job!  You murdered two of my creations and eliminated their dependents – but hey, you taught a Sunday school class, so I guess you are good to go!”

Isn’t it important to ask out-of-control young people to get smart about “preventing” pregnancy?  Why do intelligent people give in to the snowflakes and the bad behavior of some young people?  It’s time moral adults stand up against this kind of evil thinking and refuse to accept bad behavior. Let’s be strong enough to point out the real truth.   Prevent the baby – don’t kill it!

Standing up against bad behavior does not give us the right to ignore the young mother who finds herself in a bad place.  Christians should be the first in line to provide help for single pregnant moms.  We must make sure she can raise a healthy, well-adjusted child.  

I love Pastor Hagee’s response to the single mom.  His church built a huge house called, The Sanctuary of Hope.  Any pregnant mom can show up at the doors and say “help”.  They will give her a suite for her and the baby.  They will provide all prenatal care.  They pay for the birth.  She is allowed to stay with them for two years.  She can take classes while there (free childcare) and hopefully graduate with a two-year degree so she can provide for her child.  Wow!  Now that’s how to handle women who find themselves facing single motherhood.  Churches – please respond to this abortion issue by getting involved in the solution!

Politicians that support more abortions are lying to you.  While they pretend to care about you, they love and advocate the ideas of Margaret Sanger who said, “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”  Margaret Sanger, Woman and the New Race.  

I’ve read several articles that try to pretend that Margaret Sanger was a loving woman who cared about people.  But, if you read quotes from her books, you will quickly see that she was an evil person.  Politicians who support her don’t care about you, or they would be advocating that you make something of your life rather than concentrating on promiscuous sex and multiple abortions.

And while I’m on the subject, some politicians support your bad decision as a way to keep the population in control and to keep you subservient to the government.  They do not really care about your life.  

The moron that drove cross-country with a plan to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh admitted that he felt lost because he didn’t have a purpose in life.  He just wanted to do something that mattered.  OH My goodness!  What a moron.  If you want a purpose in life, volunteer for something that has a good outcome.  It’s not that hard to find purpose.  I could spend the rest of the day listing good causes that need help.  It is sick and dysfunctional to think that the only hope for purpose is to kill.

On that thought, we also have to understand how Abortion has created a culture of murderous people in our country. We are not only ruled by our conscious brain activity, we are also influenced by subconscious activity.   If our brain knows it’s socially acceptable to murder an innocent baby that can’t fight back – our subconscious whispers, “Why not murder an old lady walking down the street?  Why not beat up a teenager or a special needs person?  Why not shoot into a crowded mall.”   Life doesn’t matter.  Lives aren’t important.  Murder is fine.

When we allow abortion – we support murder as a way to solve our problems.  Sound familiar?  When you face the problem of an unwanted child, and your subconscious mind screams- “kill it!” – you are responding to decades of social training.  That same training will, unfortunately, make it easier to justify all murder as the only solution to your problems.  If we use abortion to eliminate a baby we don’t want – why not a grandparent?  Why not our own parents?  Why not the businessman?  Why not the politician?  Why not the pastor?  Why not the teacher?  That philosophy will bleed over into every area of your life.  Every life is precious and should be celebrated.  Don’t allow abortion to rob you of the celebration of life. 

Just one more thing…..

I don’t understand why any mentally stable person would allow a baby to grow for 15 weeks or more and then decide to torture and destroy the child.  Are they unobservant and uneducated?  Is it that they don’t realize that when your period stops you are pregnant?  Or do these cruel people want to inflict as much pain on the child as possible?  While discussing this issue with a friend of mine, he brought up the possibility that young people are so indoctrinated that they simply don’t acknowledge that their belly is carrying a baby.  Even when they feel movement they don’t believe it’s a human being.  They don’t believe it has thoughts, feels pain, or can hear the mother’s voice.  They have been indoctrinated to believe it is just a mass of cells, a blob, a tumor of sorts.  Yet, the evidence is there.  Any medical doctor can use an ultrasound to show you that the baby is alive and moving within weeks.  And the doctor can also let you hear the heartbeat.

We must help women see how important it is to leave the indoctrination of the crowd and search for truth so they can think for themselves.  I would suggest that any mother contemplating abortion should google images of babies, research what they are feeling, and above all DEMAND an ultrasound of the baby before you kill an innocent child.    

I’ve read a ton of articles on both sides of the issue of fetus pain.  Most scientists or medical doctors admit that since they can’t talk to the fetus, their research is purely subjective.  There is no way to electronically measure what the baby feels without a very expensive procedure.  If doctors advocate for abortions they will tell you that the baby doesn’t feel pain when their legs and arms are cut off – without anesthesia.  They will insist that there is no pain for you or the baby when they shove a metal probe into the baby’s skull and suck out its brain so they can bring the tissue out vaginally rather than doing a c-section.  

Yet, many more doctors who advocate against abortions have done experiments where a baby will pull away from a small prick and seem to feel pain at a mere four weeks.  

No woman wants to be a monster. Yet, what does it say when a woman knows that she doesn’t want a baby, but she waits to kill it?  Every day that baby is gaining strength and a great ability to feel pain.  Every day of growth makes abortion more heinous for that little babe.  Why wait until minutes before birth when we know that child can feel the slightest bit of pain and choose that time to murder that life?  The unmeasurable pain that a baby endures is torture.  When there are options to end the pregnancy when it’s only a few cells – why are you waiting?  Do they enjoy knowing that they will inflict terrible pain on a tiny baby?  Are they waiting because they are unorganized and can’t remember to get something done? Is that why the California Legislature is debating that a woman should have the right to kill a baby up to a year old?

What does it say about the murderer you hired when you have an abortion at 30 weeks? That baby is fully formed and can live without you, but instead, your doctor is fine with committing murder.  Does he not understand or believe in his Hippocratic oath?  Why would you wait until 40 weeks to allow a monster doctor to inflict pain on your child?  Every medical scientist admits that the baby feels pain at that point, yet a mother allows the doctor to shove a metal probe into the baby’s head and suck out the brain!  Why can’t everyone see the disastrous monster in this situation?  

I applaud every mother that considers adoption!  If a mother waits until the 9th month, she still has an option.  She can give the baby to a loving home.  Why is that a bad alternative?  The young mother that feels she can’t raise the child gets her desire – and the sweet innocent baby is allowed to live.  Win-win.  Please…be mature and do the right thing.  Allow the baby to live and give it to a good home.

(Breathe Debbie!)

I’m sorry.  You may not like what I’ve said.  I’m truly sorry if you are hurt.  Yet, it’s time we all face the honest truth whether we like it or not.  It’s time to stop pretending that this is about single moms or complicated relationships.  It’s not.  It’s about the life of a tiny innocent baby. It’s about choosing good solutions to our problems rather than thinking that death is the only solution.  It’s about a baby’s right to live, grow, and contribute to society.  It’s time to face the fact that you have multiple options for abortion.  

I still have questions for you, but for now, I beg every woman in America to resist the lies.  Please,  protect yourself and if you become pregnant, do the right thing for the baby.  Be unselfish and loving.   Get honest about your life.  Respect your body enough to say “no” to promiscuous sex, because that’s the source of most unwanted babies.  No matter what circumstances you face, be a mature woman and be responsible for your decisions.  Just stop it.  Stop killing innocent babies.  

And if you want help to become strong enough to resist bad behavior, I’d love for you to meet my friend Jesus.  Once you truly become a follower of the most loving God, you too will be able to have a life full of purpose, respect, and a lifestyle that makes sense.  

Christians – Let’s pray for all those who are contemplating abortion.  Let’s pray for everyone to discover their God-given purpose in life.  Let’s pray for all the precious little babies that are in danger.

Just sayin’



Forms of Birth Control


Female sterilization – tubal ligation

Male Sterilization – Vasectomy

Progestin Arm Implant – Nexplanon

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Combined hormonal contraception (Birth control pills, vaginal ring, Patch)

Progestin-only pills (mini-pills)


Emergency contraception (morning after pill)

Male Condoms

Female Condoms


Cervical Cap


Withdrawal method, Spermicides (Film, jelly, foam, etc.)


And choosing life with Adoption

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