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I wish my topic today was as happy as this wedding picture. America needs our help. America is being attacked by powers in this dark world. Notice the Saber Arch (Canopy of Swords) in this picture.

My story for you today includes God’s War Angels and their Canopy of Swords. When we pray, God always listens. Unfortunately, if we don’t pray with a clear picture of the enemy we face, our prayers can be weak and without the power of the Holy Spirit. When we can see our enemy clearly, our prayers – God’s War Angels and His power are a billion times more powerful than anything we can imagine.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

It is crucial in our study of the normally unseen spiritual world that we can (spiritually)see the demons surrounding us and understand their purpose, agendas, and the most potent ways to fight against them.

I pray that you will use the following story to help you see America as being attacked by demonic powers. They are floating all around us. Be aware of 1Peter 5:8. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8)

I took the following story from an inspiring book that is out of print but shouldn’t be.  When God Breaks Through, by the Assemblies of God World Missions, is a collection of stories recounting miracles on the mission field.  When you preach and work in a third-world country, you will deal with an onslaught of demonic powers dedicated to the failure of missionary work. Satan and demonic power have always existed. Unfortunately, America is now over-run with the same demonic powers. Satan wants us to fail and he will do whatever he can to make that happen.

After you read this true account, imagine evil forces hovering over America.  After decades of passive Pastors and uninterested Christians, can you see that Satan has made gains in his territory?  We must have dedicated prayer warriors and Pastors that will push back on the enemy of God.  

When Tucker Carlson interviewed Jason Whitlock, he asked him what he thought was the cause of the destruction of America. “Well, Tucker….I grew up in the church. I’m a Christian first and well…I believe it’s demonic…. The reason is demonic powers.”

Please read this, pray for our country, and join me as we push back and re-claim God’s territory and His people.

A Canopy of Swords

by Gwen Foth

At one point during my years as a missionary, I had to return to the United States because of illness.  My husband, Oliver, remained in South India to complete the building of a Bible School.

One day Oliver sent me a cablegram, telling me that the principal of the Bible School was critically ill.  Immediately I sent word to various churches, requesting prayer for this need.  

A great burden of intercession fell on the Women’s Ministries group at the Assemblies of God church I attended.  It lasted several hours before we felt we had prayed through to victory.

A week later, I received a letter from Oliver, explaining the principal had suffered an attack of angina pectoris, a painful condition in which the heart muscles are deprived of oxygen.  He was so near death that all of the members of his family were called to his home.  Hour after hour, they remained by his bed.  To relieve them, two Bible school students spent the night sitting by their principal’s bed, watching and praying.

Suddenly the door of the room opened.  The students saw a line of men dressed in shining white garments and carrying swords.  They filed into the room and completely surrounded the bed.

Thinking they were dreaming, the students spoke to each other.  When they realized they were both wide awake, they were filled with awe.  They saw the men unsheathe their swords and hold them up, the point of each sword touching the point of the sword on the opposite side.  A canopy of swords covered the bed.

Realizing they were in the presence of God, the students asked, “Who are these, Lord?”

The Lord then spoke to their hearts.” These are the prayer warriors in America who are praying for your principal.  As they continue to pray, the enemy cannot press through and harm My servant.”

The students looked up.  Dark satanic forms were gathered above the canopy of swords – held back by the power of prayer.

The principal was restored to good health and continued his ministry.  His life was spared because intercessors travailed in prayer and drove back the forces of Satan.

I know the power of intercessory prayer.  I am thankful for friends who pray.  Gwen and Oliver Foth were missionaries to South India from 1946 to 1951.

And now?

Take a moment to think about Chicago, Portland, New York, and Minneapolis.  They all were looted and burned.  People were viciously beaten, assaulted, robbed, and murdered.  The assailants were not apprehended, nor did the violence end.  Officials allowed the destruction and, at times, even praised it.  To me, those actions looked as if the demons of hell had been released.  

Then came this demonic virus. Many doctors complain that the problem in treating this virus is that every patient reacts differently. What works with one will not work with others. Can you see the evil of hell directing the sorrow of sickness and death?

An evil spirit, demon, or devil, is defined as one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.  

The tsunami of crisis, pain, sorrow, and sickness can only be explained as dark forces prowling America seeking someone to destroy.

Do not be afraid, my dear Christian. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are with us. We are powerful in Him!

What can we do?  We can attack these evil forces on multiple levels.  First, we can pray without ceasing.  Pray, powerful prayers! Fast and pray. Pray alone and with others. Your prayers can change America and the world!

Ask God to give you new directions. Open your heart and your life to a God-given vision. You are God’s hands, feet and mouth. Do the work He needs you to do.

Watch for the launch of my new Facebook page, “Children of Light.” This page will be a place for people to learn, to pray together, and to move in power to help America. You can also order my book Praying for America and the Army of God. It will guide you to pray for every area of America.  It will show you how to join with others and make a difference in your circle of friends, your community, your state, this nation, and the world!

Answers are coming. We have a lot to study as well as plans to put into place. The body of Christ is strong, and Satan cannot defeat us. We are coming. If we obey Him, God is ready to heal our land!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2nd Chronicles 7:14

Photo by By AzureCitizen – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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