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Debbie's Services
Doctorow – “Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader – not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.” My writing goal is to evoke feeling, to change hearts and to lift lives.
Maya Angelou’s quote is my speaking goal. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you’ve said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” With over 25 years experience in teaching and speaking, I would love to create an exciting event uniquely tailored for you.
The pain of a dysfunctional family is devastating. With an all inclusive approach I will go outside the box to design a plan for success. Families consist of love and hard work but without a little fun growth is limited. I can help your family with an exciting plan for a peaceful and successful home.
To have the best life you need information. We can learn by experience, but it is an expensive teacher. I can help you learn how to have the best life without the high cost of mistakes. Whether it’s using a Mommy Detective chart, taking a class or learning from one of my comedic stories; I will help you change your life.
Anyone can have a successful life. Anyone can overcome adversity, sorrow, and pain. I use understanding followed by inspiration to help hurting people. Together we explore the facts and design a unique plan to achieve their goals. Respect, understanding, teaching and a design for success – that’s how lives change.
“The Debbie Jansen Podcast” encourages you with answers for your spiritual life, relationships, and parenting issues. Anyone can become discouraged, unproductive, and weary because they are not spiritually or mentally prepared for the difficulties in life. Debbie will lift your heart and encourage your faith with “Minutes of Faith.” She also shares parenting and relationship secrets we all need to be successful in our personal lives. Join her podcast and find the secrets you need to take your life to the next level.
Latest Books
Debbie Jansen can help you calm the chaos in your home. Debbie has assisted thousands of moms in learning how to build a strong bond with their children and eliminate the chaos within families.
One of her popular techniques is the use of behavior modification. She has adjusted this process for small children and teens. The Penny system explains why parents need to use this system and how to make it work for their families.
Reading this book and implementing the system can help your child “want” to obey. You can eliminate the chaos and angry behaviors that destroy your peaceful home.
Debbie shows you how to implement the system and gives you ways to connect with her for more help. Don’t miss out on the information that can change your home!
Latest Articles
Parents Are Powerful! They can change America in 20 years or less!
The younger generation is struggling. Some young people are discouraged. Others have infected our society with ideas that have caused problems all across our country. Everyone is asking, “Why…
Let’s Get Even
LET’S GET EVEN Dr. Ken Crocker The world would be much better if we all tried to get even. It’s easy to become a thoughtless taker and expect others to…
What is a Mommy Detective?
For 35 years I’ve taught and counseled with parents. It is often hard for a parent to understand the maze and rabbit holes connected with good parenting. I designed the…
What about Miracles?
By Dr. Ken Crocker With Debbie Jansen There are 35 miracles recorded in the earthly ministry of Jesus. They all had a divine purpose. Yet, Jesus never staged one…
Happy Spouse Dessert
Happy Spouse Dessert A wonderful dessert that can be enjoyed at any time with very little mess. Ingredients…… One desert mix of your choice. Most of the time, I don’t…
Abortion Debate – Just sayin’
Just Sayin’ Honest, out-of-the-box, creative thinking questions….are the only path to the truth. There are a lot of lies floating around that confuse the “abortion” issue. For example, Those…
30 Days of Prayer for America
Franklin Graham wrote a wonderful article about praying for America! He started his article by saying…“Taking a stand for our country begins by going to our knees in prayer before…

The Team

Debbie Jansen
Author / Speaker

Ron Jansen
Communications / Manager

Jamie Jansen
Photography / Video

Ken Jansen

“Life can be an exciting adventure if you are willing to look at unique possibilities. I can help you find those possibilities. Don’t give up. Take my hand and together we will walk a new path, design a new plan and dig deep into the well of encouragement so you too can have an exciting and full life. Thank you for visiting my site. I can’t wait to hear from you.” – Debbie