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cute-baby-270x300Do you feel better this morning or worse?  You prayed hard last night.  You prayed while watching the debates.  You felt somewhat okay when you went to bed – but this morning you feel discouraged.  What happened?

Psychologically your mind has the ability to ramp up and handle a stressful situation.  No matter what you are facing, your mind can be disciplined and find strength “for the moment”.  Maybe you are involved in a confrontation at work.  Maybe your kid needs you to be strong.  Maybe your church is facing an uphill battle.  Maybe you and your spouse need to have a “come to Jesus” moment about issues in your marriage.  Whatever it is….You can pick your side, stand strong and feel confident that you will get through this.

Finding strength for the “actual battle” doesn’t seem overwhelming.  Finding strength for after the battle is another story. Our brain is not just one big organ.  It is comprised of 5 sections – each handling different tasks.   A common psychological joke between psychologists is that those five areas often fight each other.  Have you ever had an argument with yourself?

After a stressful situation and once our adrenalin has had time to disperse, the negative forces can take over.  Why did I do this?  Why didn’t they say that?  I should have smiled.  They should have been more responsive.  Before you know it those pesky negative forces can destroy our determination to continue to fight.

In I Kings 18 Elijah insisted that over 800 of Baal’s sinful prophets be witness to the power of God.  He was determined to prove that God was powerful and that God was real.  He met Ahab on Mount Carmel for a huge showdown.  Elijah had a great day of fantastic miracles!

When you read the full chapter, Elijah taunted Baal’s prophets to try again and again – and each time Elijah took his call on God a step higher and each time God won!  At the end of the story (without a cloud in the sky) he tells Ahab to get in his chariot and rush home because a huge rain was coming.  As the sky grew black with clouds, Elijah tucked his cloak in his belt and ran ahead of the chariots and beat them home.  Yep, Elijah had a great day!

The next day Jezebel was angry.  Old Jezzie sent Elijah a message and said, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of (Elijah’s men had killed her prophets)  one of them.”  In other words – “Elijah, you are dead meat!”

Even after his great day….in I Kings 19:3   Elijah was afraid and ran for his life.

One pastor said the actual translation means Elijah was “terrified”.

The reason it is important to always put God first is because our worst human trait is to allow negative voices to rule our emotions.  It’s only when you continue to put your trust in God that you can resist the immediate emotions and trust God to bring about the final conclusion.

Remember that in this election God will have the final say.  No one knows what that will be.  We are only required to do our very best and then turn it over to God.

If you are discouraged because you don’t think your candidate did their best – or your favorite commentator is casting doubt….the only solution for that is to Pray and trust that God is in control.

Pray for God’s protection for you, your family and this great country.  Pray for God’s involvement.  Pray for God to forgive our country for it’s many sins.  Pray for God to forgive me and you of our personal sins.  Pray for a revival.  Pray, pray, pray.

And then trust Him.


praying-girlDear Jesus,  many people felt last night was a victory yet today they are confused and full of doubt.  I pray that you will comfort their hearts and minds and reassure them that you are in control.

Help us to continue to work to bring about your will.  Help us to force the negative thoughts out of our minds so we can trust you fully.  Help us to be compassionate and kind, not only to our friends but to those who oppose us.  Help us to concentrate on the truth and to be willing to accept your will.

Bless this country.  Help us to be as you commanded in Matthew 5:14.  Help America to continue to be “the light of the world”.

Please forgive us of our sins and please dear God, Bless America.


See you tomorrow.