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I was not disobedient to the Heavenly Vision – Acts 26:19 was one of Dad’s favorite scriptures.  He said he wanted to be remembered as a man who gave everything he had to be sure he was not disobedient to the calling God had placed on his life.

A list of my dad’s accomplishments was posted on Facebook.  Perhaps you can decide.


Dr. Kenneth Lamar Crocker, my dad, is celebrating in Heaven today. Yesterday, July 22, 2016 at 10:55 Dad went home to be with Jesus. In his first talk with Jesus I know he heard the words he longed to hear. “Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter now into the joys of the Lord.”
He gave his life to Jesus at 12 years old. He promised God that he could have any part of his life. He truly put God first every day that he lived.
He became a preacher/evangelist at 17.
He married mom at 19 and had me ten months later.
He was an amazing musician and played for a huge radio personality who also held large rallies.
He and mother went on to hold large revivals of their own.
He pastored several small churches before taking a larger church in Biloxi, Mississippi.
He pastored First Assembly in Marion, Indiana and at 28 made a missionary trip around the world. He was one of the first missionaries to preach at Yoido Full Gospel church in Korea. It is now the largest church in the world. Pastor Yonggi Cho became a great friend. On his three month trip around the world, thousands were saved, hundreds were healed and he became best friends with a buddhist monk who had him preach Jesus to novices in Burma.
He was an artist. His home was filled with beautiful oil paintings. He also painted signs of all kinds. He became the premier Gold Leaf expert in Atlanta and was asked to do the Atlanta Capitol Dome. He declined because they refused to put it on the ground for him. 🙂
He played seven instruments.
He was a published author (Guideposts & Christianity Today) and an editor for the Haggi Institute.
He was on the deans list at Georgia State University and was allowed to skip the undergraduate program and move into the Master’s program.
He received his doctorate from Beulah Heights Seminary.
He was a song writer.
He had an extremely successful radio and television show in Indiana as well as Atlanta, Georgia. He knew most of the top radio personalities in Atlanta.
He was given a plane and made missionary trips to Mexico. He flew for “Air Mail from God”.
He flew terminal patients from remote villages to hospitals – saving their lives.
He wrote over 500 newspaper articles.
He documented every sermon and was careful to document his thoughts on life.
He read the Bible through 16 times.
He wrote a newsletter for over five years.
He sold investments and real estate.
He was the General contractor for two churches he built.
He built three churches from scratch without help from any denomination.
He made five missionary trips to Peru and built wells for people there. He was honored by the Governor of Peru and received honors at a special dinner for Dad and his work.
He was friends with Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller asked him to share the stage at a pastor’s conference.
He loved to fish, to fly, to laugh and to love those around him. He never met a stranger. His list of friends included every type of personality and lifestyle. His goal was not to make demands but to converse in a way that made others feel comfortable so he could share his thoughts and love for God.
He adored his family. He loved playing with his great-grandchildren. He was so proud of the accomplishments and talents of his grandchildren. He called Ron (his son-in-law) his best friend.
He shared not only his love but his wisdom and strength with all of us. We are better people because of him.ken-crocker-slides-136

We are heartbroken but determined to live as he would encourage us to live. We want to honor him by being courageous, determined, strong and full of life. I can hear him say, “Be the best you can be! Don’t be afraid. Do everything God has given you the chance to do – and do your research and do it right!”

I love you Daddy. I admire you and I promise that we will see you again. Thank you for your wisdom, your strength and the great inspiration of your life. We hope you are having a ball as you settle into your life in Heaven. We will miss you.