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Happy Spouse Dessert

A wonderful dessert that can be enjoyed at any time with very little mess.

One desert mix of your choice.
Most of the time, I don’t use a mix. I buy the two-bite brownies from Sam’s. They are delicious, and I don’t have to do anything but set them on a plate.
Remember: Your marriage is always more important than “what” or “how” you cook. Taking time for your spouse is paramount to anything else. Looking into his eyes or complimenting her will always taste sweeter than any mix or dessert you could make. Never sacrifice time with your spouse for the stress of making something from scratch.
One candy bar crumbled.
Life is hard. There will be times when you wonder if you will survive the current drama. Don’t forget to “mix” sweetness in with the hard times. Hold his face and tell him how you couldn’t live without him. Pick a flower from your yard and tell her she is more beautiful than all the gardens in the universe. Always add sweetness to whatever mix is going on in your life.
One long stream of whipped cream.
We all need help to stop feeling hopeless. Sometimes, we need to feel as if we are racing toward hope. Make life’s journey a little more slippery and fast by giving your spouse a reason to be hopeful. Dream about the future. Remind him that today’s loss in pay is only temporary. A better joy is just around the corner. Remind her that the daily stress of work and other obligations won’t last forever. Wrap all your worries in the whipped cream slide of hope.
Add nuts
Marriage can be a long battle if you forget to be a nut. You may be the nut that dresses crazy one day a week. Maybe you are the nut that tells bad riddles once a day. Maybe you insist on a tickling match every Saturday while you watch some ridiculous movie. Don’t forget to have fun with your spouse. Celebrate the nuts that you are, and it will help you accept the nuttiness of others.
Add frosting
The frosting on every marriage is love. Not the silly kind based on looks. True love admires the other person for their maturity, kindness, character, and inner beauty. When you love “the real” person, it becomes a joy to see it every day. Celebrate the traits that you share and appreciate the ways he is different. Appreciate and compliment the way she can see situations differently from you. Let the frosting on your marriage be the lens you use to see inside your spouse.
Mix furiously – any way you want, even if it’s a big mess.
Life is messy. Don’t always expect it to fit some plan. It never will! Sometimes life is so messy, it can rush from plan A to plan X in just a few hours. Learn to go with it and enjoy the process.
Finally, add sprinkles.
When fireworks light up the sky, nothing else is visible. For a few seconds, everyone concentrates on the beauty that commands attention.
Always give your spouse your full attention. Appreciate all the good they do and point it out. And if you are smart, you won’t forget to compliment them publicly. Let the world see that you are thankful to have found your true love.
I pray this recipe will bless you, your friends, and your family.

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