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mighty-angelHeroes of the Faith – a five book series – is a collection of personal stories written by missionaries.  I have read these books many times.  Each story recounts a miracle or an answer to prayer.  These powerful books are only $1 each.  I encourage you to use the link for purchase.  I promise they will encourage your faith and your prayer life like nothing else can.

Evil forces are roaming our country.  They want the minds and hearts of our precious children and grandchildren.  They want to destroy families, marriages, churches and our Christian freedoms.

How can you fight these forces?  With prayer and the knowledge that they hold no power over Almighty God.  If you are a strong Christian, fully dependent on God – Satan, evil, the devil – whatever you want to call those who stand against God – they can not hurt you.  Want evidence?  Here’s an excerpt from the Heroes of the Faith book, When God breaks through.

In Canopy of Swords by Gwen Foth, she explained that she left Oliver, her missionary husband, in South India overseeing the completion of a Bible school, while she returned to the US for some medical treatments.  Oliver sent a cablegram saying that the school principal was gravely ill and needed prayer.  Gwen sent word to several churches.  The ladies of the Women’s Missionary Group had a powerful and overwhelming burden for the principal.  They prayed.  When the burden didn’t leave they continued to pray without ceasing until they felt the burden lift.  A week later Gwen received a letter from Oliver.

The principal had suffered an attack of angina pectoris, a painful condition in which the heart muscles are deprived of oxygen.  He was so near death that all the members of his family were called to his home. The family stayed by his bedside until they were exhausted.  Two Bible students offered to stay with him through the night while the family rested.  The students watched and prayed over their principal.

Suddenly the door of the room opened.  The students saw a line of men dressed in shining white garments and carrying swords.  They filed into the room and completely surrounded the bed.

Thinking they were dreaming, the students spoke to each other.  When they realized they were both wide awake, they were filled with awe.  They saw the men unsheathe their swords and hold them up, the point of each sword touching the point of the sword on the opposite side.  A canopy of swords covered the bed.

Realizing they were in the presence of God, the students asked, “Who are these, Lord?”

The Lord then spoke to their hearts.  “These are the prayer warriors in America who are praying for your principal.  As they continue to pray, the enemy cannot press through and harm my servant.”

The students looked up.  Dark satanic forms were gathered above the canopy of swords — held back by the power of prayer.  

The principal was restored to good health and continued his ministry.  His life was spared because people prayed and drove back the forces of Satan.


Don’t you dare tell me that God doesn’t answer prayer or that Satan is more powerful than God.  We are not helpless!  We belong to the Almighty God of the Universe.  He has answered miraculous prayers in my family (I’ll be posting some of those soon) and he will answer your prayers for a better life and a better America!

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.     2 Timothy 1:7


praying-girlDear Jesus you said when two or more people gather together and pray in your name, that you would be there.  We love America and we are united as we pray for our wonderful country.  You have blessed her and kept her from the moment your created this world.

We ask today that you first forgive us of our sins and help us to live lives dedicated to you.  We also ask that you continue to take care of and bless America.  All citizens of America need your wisdom to know how to vote.  We all need your strength to stand up for truth, evangelism and a better way of life.  We need you to help us “discern” (judge) the candidates by seeing them through your eyes.  We are committed to praying continually until this election and even more so beyond.

As you answered the prayers of Gwen Foth and sent your angels to protect the principal – please send an army of your strongest angels to protect and defend America.

America needs revival.  Give us a chance to turn back to you and to help those that don’t know you to find their way to your side.  Please don’t forsake us Jesus.  Please help us and please Jesus….continue to bless this great land.


See you tomorrow.