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Are you terrified?  Most of us will go to the voting booth tomorrow.  If you have been reading these posts, you have prayed about our country and you want to vote so you can be part of God’s plan.  You believe that God is all powerful and yet those spikes in your stomach let you know that you are still afraid.  All it takes is one discouraging pundit and you feel sick.

Why are some of God’s children still afraid?  After all the testimonies, posts and prayer times – why can’t we just settle down and walk around with a smile on our face?  Why are we still anxious about the outcome of this election?

The fearful are probably those that have “studied” the whole Bible.  Those who don’t wait for the pastor to give his interpretation.  Those who don’t just sing about their faith.  Those who don’t recite the same three scriptures and two Bible stories to define their faith.  There are Christians who realize and accept the possibility that there are two reasons this race could go either way.  Punishment or Mercy.

So why are we still terrified?  Because some of us understand that God does punish sin.  Our country (and unfortunately that includes the American churches) has participated in sin.  We’ve allowed abortion even moments before birth.  We’ve allowed all Ten commandments to be broken on a regular basis.  Christians look the other way and lie – as if God is okay with that.  Christians haven’t prayed about their country and often vote to get things rather than to promote God.  They vote as if they were spectators at a ball game.  We’ve taken the alter service, conviction and the truth about Hell out of our churches.  Christians would rather give a pass on sin than to be honest with the world and prevent souls from going to Hell.  Churches now accept anyone – even if they refuse to respect and honor God. It’s more important to get them in the doors than to be honest about the condition of their soul.  We allow outsiders to do everything possible to cause division within the House of God.  We’ve decided that purity isn’t important and we set our children up for lives full of sin.  We train our children to be disrespectful of everything – including God and His commandments.  Need I go on???

We are afraid… because we understand that tomorrows election could go either way.  Many believe that if God is merciful – there will be a landslide for Mr. Trump.  He is a flawed man who is sympathetic to Christians and the American values this country was built on.  If he wins, Christians will have a few years to repent and make this country better – God’s way.   If Hillary wins, God is most likely pronouncing judgement on this country.  We will see more innocent babies murdered, the rise of persecution of Christians, the infiltration of Muslims who want to kill us, a worse economy and a legal system that drains the finances for evangelism.  Laws may be passed that will put Christians into an outcast system that limits our ability to practice our faith. She has proven she will lie and steal for money and that puts all of our freedoms at risk. It will be a very difficult time for Christians in this country.

So yes, many Christians are terrified that while God can administer mercy – because of our sins we may receive judgement.

What can we do?   God….please have mercy on us.

We can spend today and tomorrow praying that God will change the minds of those who can’t see the differences we see between these two candidates.  Pray for God to have mercy.

With that prayer, promise God that if He gives mercy that you will do whatever you can to make sure this country’s change begins with you.  If you are not willing to do something about the problem – you are the problem. 

I have promised God that I will do my part.  The day after the election I will begin posting “Everyday Changes” that we can do to help make our country better.   These suggestions will only take a few minutes a day but it will not only change your life – it will change America.  I’m not selling anything nor do I want you to sign up for anything.  Just meet me here for ten minutes every day and together we will change our world.

And what about tomorrow?  Is there something we can do?  Go vote as early as you can.  Take a drop of oil with you. (God used oil as a symbol of claiming His power.)  Put a dab on your finger and make a small cross somewhere on the outer side of the voting machine.  Try to place it where it won’t be seen.  If it’s incredibly busy, just touch the side as you approach the booth.  Then, before you vote say a prayer.  Ask God to not only help you vote His way, but to also have mercy on this country.  Ask him to use that booth in the way he sees fit.  Ask him to wrap that booth in His love and to use it in a mighty way for His purpose.

Why would I suggest such a silly thing?  Because I believe in the power of God.  If God wants to take this country in a specific way – HE CAN DO IT!  No one is more powerful than He is.  If He is going to bring punishment to this country then there’s nothing we can do about it.  BUT, if God is going to be merciful and if He is going to allow us to be spiritually free for a few more years – then there is NOTHING that can stop Him.  I believe that people who were set on Hillary could enter that booth, feel the power of God and vote differently – and vice versa.  At this point we have to trust God, pray and wait and see.

And what if Hillary wins and this country is thrown into socialism and persecution?  Just like God was in the polling booth – He will be in your life.  He will guide you and protect you.  Yes, we may find ourselves wading in persecution – but that too can be a landslide for God.  Within the context of tougher times you may finally see a great revival.

And through that revival God may save your son, heal your grand-daughter, protect your life or save your home.  EXCITING TIMES ARE COMING because We serve an All Powerful, all loving God!

Dear Jesus please forgive us of our sins.  Please enter into our homes and kick satan out!  Please help us to be wise and to vote for the candidate that will bring about your will.  Please give us the strength to hold our head high and to trust you for our safety, our homes, our children and our country.

Please protect every voting center.  Set your angels around them and protect them from violence, hatred, fighting, cheating and other problems.  Please keep satan from entering the hearts of anyone who goes to vote today or tomorrow.

This country started with a desire to please you.  I ask you to remember the millions of Christians throughout this land that love you.  Remember the way we fought to set your people – the Jewish nation – free from Hitler’s evil plan.  Remember the times we have stood up for Israel and other people around the world. Remember that we have been responsible for sending missionaries to all parts of this world.  Remember the service men that gave their lives so we could enjoy religious liberty and freedom.  Bless us not because of our sins or that we deserve it.  Bless our nation because there are those who have tried to further the cause of Christ.

Bless everyone who reads this.  Help them to feel safe and to be glad about voting.  Touch their hearts and give them peace no matter what the turnout.  Give us all the desire to go forward from this season, prepared to fight to make this country better.  We love you Jesus.  Thank you for all you have done for us.

See you tomorrow

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