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conversion-sa-pabloPraying for this election cycle has taken me into some unexpected thoughts.  I am anxious about tonight’s Presidential debate.  The news media has already forecast a future for America that scares me.  I haven’t shared a lot about my own personal voting preferences because I am committed to allowing my prayers to guide me and open my mind to the person God’s wants – even if that’s not my current choice.  I truly want God to be in control of this election and my vote.

I was praying today and asking God to give every viewer a clear picture of each candidate.  “Let tonight’s debate reveal the truth about motives and personalities.  Please Jesus, open the eyes of those who are viewing tonight and let the truth stand out as if highlighted by your voice and your light from Heaven.”

I beg you to pray that prayer with me.  If your eyes are open – you won’t need convincing.  You will know the truth!  Pray that God will make the Christian vote and the Concerned Citizen vote very clear.  The more I prayed the more I felt that Satan has blinded many voters.  It seems as if some people are so closed off that nothing you say, no truth you could share would make a difference.  It’s as if they have sold their very soul to support the candidate they have chosen.

Each side has negative news stories.  Each side has someone speaking up for them. Each side claims they will do a better job.  How can we know the truth?  How can any of us be sure that we are voting properly?  GOD IS THE ONLY ANSWER.  GOD IS THE ONLY WAY.

“Oh Lord, I know who I think is right, but do you have a bigger plan?  Do you want me to see something different?”

***I prayed harder. ***

Lying is wrong.  I can’t vote for a liar.

***I prayed harder.***

Lewd talk and impropriety is wrong.  I can’t vote for someone who might embarrass America.

***I prayed harder ***


This person seems to care.  This person doesn’t.  This person has this talent.  This person doesn’t.

***I prayed harder ***

My mind was spinning with contradictory thoughts.  I know who I believe is the best but I do not want to be fooled.  This election is too important for my vote to be wasted.

I was led to read again a biblical story that includes my dad’s favorite verse.  He said it was the verse that best described all his decisions and he hoped that people would be able to see that it did represent his life.

“I was not disobedient to the Heavenly Vision” Acts 26:19

I read the whole chapter today.  It was comforting to my weary mind.  It settled the vote I believe God wants me to cast.  I encourage you to read that chapter before the debate and pray for God to help you to clearly see the truth in both candidates.

The point of Acts 26 that so captivated my thoughts, was the way Paul laid out his past.  He explained his case to King Agrippa how he not only punished Christians, but murdered them after forcing them to blaspheme. In other words, he would make our two candidates seem like spoiled children – not unelectable demons.

Paul explains in verse 16 how God struck him down and miraculously showed him that God was in charge.  When Paul repented, God then said…..” I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light..”

I stared at that for a while.  I had never thought about it this way before, but the truth is – GOD MIRACULOUSLY CHANGED A MURDERER – and then proclaimed He would USE that murderer to change those who were in darkness.

If one of these candidates has been called by God to change America – their past is inconsequential.  The only thing that matters is what happened to change them, how are they progressing in their Christian walk and who do they seek out as counsel to help them make good moral decisions.  

I beg you.  Pray very hard and ask God to show you which one of these candidates he can use to bring about a change in our country.  Which one can GOD use to open the eyes of this country and bring us into forgiveness and sanctification.  I believe there is one candidate that has been changed, can lead us in change and can help us evangelize this country for God.


praying-girlDear Jesus, please use your power to help all those watching the debate to see the truth in what is said.  I rebuke Satan and I ask that your Holy Spirit flow through the debating stage and cause the truth to be revealed.  I beg you Jesus to take over this election and place in power the one person that will give the church the time and freedom to evangelize this country for you.

I know that these prayers are worthless unless we also ask that you forgive our sins, teach us to be holy and take over our lives as well.

We thank you for this wonderful country and we ask that you continue to Bless America.


See you tomorrow.